Sunday, March 15, 2015

Finally here!

Well, I'm finally here in Tbilisi.  It is 5:54 in the morning and we just got to our hotel.  It was an adventure getting here, that is for sure.  I left Omaha at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning and headed to Chicago, where I hung out waiting for some other teachers to join me.  We were supposed to fly to Washington, DC, meet the rest of the crew and then head to Munich.

Unfortunately, the airport in Washington lost power so we had to change plans and fly all night from Chicago to Munich (about 11 hours).  Here are some of the things we did in Munich yesterday/ today:

 I ate a traditional meal of  sausages and sauerkraut at one of the oldest restaurants in Munich.  It is mostly famous for where Hitler held many of his meetings and inspirational speeches.  We were interested to find out that all restrooms are marked WC (for water closet).

We also saw the Glockenspeil (I'll post those pictures later)

We saw St. Peter's church, the oldest church in Munich which was completely destroyed in December 1944 during World War 2.  They were saying Mass there, so we weren't allowed to take pictures.

We only had six hours in Munich before heading to the airport.  My monster friend courtesy of WMS Art was very popular at the Munich airport.
 This is my friend Turte (yes, that is her real name)  She works on a reservation in New Mexico.
 This is Kelli.  She teaches middle school social studies in Boston.  Apparently, there is a lot of snow there....
This is Anya.  She teaches students who don't speak English well in Brooklyn, New York.

This is the airport when I arrived. Already I'm loved!

Well, friends, I have a meeting in six hours and I have slept about six hours in the last three days so I am headed to bed. Tomorrow we take a tour of Old Tbilisi.  Anything you want to know?

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